
Saturday, October 23, 2004

Oh my Head...

Tragedy strikes: After the Hekla trip I skipped going out and ended up sleeping about 12 hours. I woke up with what feels like a sinus infection. I´m dreading getting on a plane with anything but crystal clear sinuses. My adventure today will be to find a hospital and see if I can talk them out of some antibiotics. I once took a plane to Vegas with plugged sinuses. The takeoff and landing felt like someone was hammering an icepick into my forehead(complete with nosebleed). I´m deathly afraid of something similar happening so I´m going to take drastic measures.

I did stop by a drug store on the way over to Ground Control. I was looking for the isle of cold remedies like one would find at wallgreens. No such luck, they have a very limited supply of such stuff and keep it behind the counter. No Aspirin, Tylenol, or anything that you would recognize. So I just pointed to my head and made sniffling noises. The lady behind the counter was instantly fed up with me, but handed me some spray stuff and some pills anyway. Unable to read the packaging, I'm just guessing at dosage. I´m already way behind on my drinking and seeing bands. I'm betting on a miraculous recovery.


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