
Sunday, October 24, 2004

So what's so Great about Iceland?

Well, for never being out of the greater USA, some of these things might not be unique to Iceland, or Europe in general, but here is some things I've observed that seem cool:

  1. Things cost 400kn, not $399.99 (although I still end up with pennies somehow)
  2. advertising is not blitzed on every vertical square inch of the city. As in a bus is just a bus and not a traveling billboard. Billboards exits of course, but there are fewer of them.
  3. The graffiti is artful for the most part, although I did see a "F*ck U F*ck" on the side of a phone booth but that might be a band name.
  4. I've never been carded (this is actually a little disturbing when shopping) in a bar or even when I was checking into the Hotel. I did not have to secure any of my reservations with a credit card.
  5. The Beer goes up to 11% if you know what to order
  6. Markus (spelled just like that) is a common name where Mark is not.
  7. There are extra letters that make everything seem like code language (Æ,þ,ð,Þ,Ð). My favorite one is ð, it sounds like 'n' in "open" and you see "opeð" signs everywhere for shops that are open.
  8. Most people still believe in Elves. As in the phrase "you never know what the elves are teaching you." being an explanation for anything odd or inconvenient that happens.
  9. The women are stunningly beautiful. According to the Saga's museum, although the Viking male population were primarily Norse, over half of the women were Irish, lending credence to the theory that the Vikings were capturing wives and trapping them up north. Way to pick 'em boys!
  10. Seems like everyone is involved with some sort of art. Be it music, sculpture, painting, or whatever. When people ask you "what do you do?" they are asking you about your artistic endeavors, not your vocation.
  11. The News covers all world events. I suppose there would not be the much news generated in Iceland proper. It's especially interesting to see the coverage of the US elections from an outside perspective.
  12. no tipping. There is no way to do it even if you want to.
  13. no superfluous pleasantness. You don't get an empty "Thank You!" or "OK, Great!" along with every minor interaction. This really appeals to me for some reason.
  14. I'm exempt from taxes, so I'll be getting cash back on my way out of the country.
  15. There are no Bums. So it's either not a well respected career choice like it is in the US, or people freeze to death.

In all fairness, I suppose I should come up with some things that suck about Iceland. Let's se if I can come up with something...

  1. It's way too Expensive to go out Eating and Drinking every night.
  2. The young kids say "shiznit" and "bling-bling" intermixed with Icelandic.
  3. It's too far away.


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